

1. 個人情報取扱事業者の氏名または名称


2. 個人情報保護の方針


3. 個人情報および保有個人データの利用目的等


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4. 個人情報の安全対策




5. 第三者への提供


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    • 契約の相手方となる者、その見込客。
    • お客様が賃借または居住している賃貸物件の所有者およびその業務代行者。
    • お客様が賃借または居住している賃貸物件を譲り受ける者および譲り受ける見込みである者。
    • 他の宅地建物取引業者。
    • インターネット広告の掲載業者、不動産事業者団体。
    • 売買仲介等の場合には、指定流通機構(物件登録、成約通知および同機構のデータを利用しての営業、価格査定等の実施)・・・下記(注)をご参照下さい。
    • 登記等に関する司法書士、土地家屋調査士。
    • 融資等に関する金融機関。
    • 不動産管理等に関する管理会社。
    • 信用情報機関、不動産調査機関等。



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6. 特定個人情報の取り扱い


7. 個人情報の開示・訂正・利用停止等の手続き・苦情の処理
  1. (1)
  2. (2)

    〒106-8640 東京都港区西麻布1-2-7
    株式会社ケン横浜SAマネジメント The Apartment Bay YOKOHAMA 個人情報対応係

  3. (3)
  4. (4)
  5. (5)
8. プライバシーポリシーの改定


9. クッキー(cookie)について

弊社ウェブサイトでは、お客様に一層便利に弊社ウェブサイトをご利用頂くため、また、閲覧履歴を取得するために「クッキー」を使用する場合があります。この技術は、スムーズなサービスを提供するためだけに用途を限定して使用しており、収集した情報につきましては、お客様の個人情報同様に秘密として扱われます。弊社では、クッキーにより取得したお客様の行動履歴と弊社が所有しているお客様の個人情報を関連付けて、メールマガジンやバナー広告等の広告配信を行う場合があります。各種「お問い合わせ」等の Web フォームに記入すると、 当社では提供された情報を使用して、サービスに関するお客様のご関心事項についてご連絡させていただきます。
「クッキー」はウェブサイトでお客様のコンピューターを識別するためもので、「クッキー」を拒否されましても弊社ウェブサイトをご利用頂けますが、一部機能をご利用頂けない場合がございます。 なお、「クッキー」を拒否される場合には、ご使用のブラウザで設定することができます。

10. 他のウェブサイトへのリンクについて





この広告や計測の無効化を希望されるユーザーは広告配信事業者等の第三者のオプトアウトページにアクセスして、Cookie の使用を無効にできます。
ユーザーは広告のオプトアウトページでGoogleのCookieを使用しないよう設定できます(また、Network Advertising Initiative のオプトアウトページでも第三者配信事業者の Cookieの使用を無効にできます)。
オプトアウトを行っていない場合、Google他、第三者配信事業者または広告ネットワークの Cookieも使用される可能性があります。
Network Advertising Initiativeのオプトアウト ウェブサイトでは、一部のCookie(すべてではありません)をまとめて無効にできます。

What follows is our privacy policy. Please read it carefully and make sure you agree with the terms and conditions.
This privacy policy is effective as of January 1, 2022.

1. The name of the entity handling personal information

Ken Yokohama SA Management,Ltd.

2. Policy on protecting personal information

We are deeply committed to our obligation to comply with laws and regulations governing the appropriate handling and protection of personal information in accordance with social norms.
This privacy policy describes how we handle personal information concerning our customers.

3. Reasons for using personal information and personal data

We use personal information provided by our customers and personal data in our possession for the following purposes. We will cease the use of personal information for any purpose at all if requested to do so by the individual whose personal data is in question.

  1. 1.
    Sale, purchase, exchange, and leasing of properties and related brokerage efforts; the execution of contracts and the provision of information, services, and housing plans concerning property ownership, management, brokerage, appraisal, consulting, and other transactions
  2. 2.
    Building planning, design, supervision, and leasing/sales
  3. 3.
    Property ownership, use, and management
  4. 4.
    Consulting services related to house repair and renovation
  5. 5.
    Planning, development, ownership, selling and management of small-lot property for investment purposes (e.g., condominiums, hotels, office buildings, and shopping centers under joint projects), and overseas operations relating thereto
  6. 6.
    Sale of beneficial interests or related agency or mediation activities
  7. 7.
    Investment advisory services related to properties in Japan and overseas
  8. 8.
    Retention, sale, or purchase of beneficiary rights of properties in trust and the leasing and management of properties covered by such trust
  9. 9.
    Operation and management of parking and storage facilities
  10. 10.
    Operations under the Real Estate Specified Joint Enterprise Act
  11. 11.
    The design, construction, supervision, and contracting of building work
  12. 12.
    Handling of bills collection and corporate accounting
  13. 13.
    Hotel management and activities related to hotel operations
  14. 14.
    Management of hotels, lodging facilities, and restaurants and banquet facilities annexed thereto
  15. 15.
    Management of restaurants and shops in hotels and lodging facilities
  16. 16.
    Travel agency activities under the Travel Agency Act
  17. 17.
    Consulting services related to asset management and operations; asset securitization under the Act on the Securitization of Assets
  18. 18.
    Consulting services related to investment and loan operations
  19. 19.
    Consulting services for foreign nationals concerning residing in Japan
  20. 20.
    Research on economic, industrial, and property conditions in Japan and overseas
  21. 21.
    Non-life insurance agency
  22. 22.
    Provision of investment information in publications
  23. 23.
    Management of movie theaters, theaters, concert halls, live music venues, and other arts and entertainment facilities
  24. 24.
    Operation of sound and video recording studios, and the contracting of recording work
  25. 25.
    Planning, production, manufacture, sale, leasing, broadcasting, screen presentation, and distribution of sound and video software (discs, tapes, and films) and related brokerage and mediation activities
  26. 26.
    Import and sales of furniture, artwork, curtains, carpets, and other interior decorations
  27. 27.
    Provision of personal information to third parties to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose(s) of use set forth above
  28. 28.
    Sales and marketing (e.g., questionnaire surveys) activities by post, telephone, email, or otherwise, and the sending of free gifts, novelty goods, and other articles for purposes related to providing the products, information, and services set forth above; customer trend analysis and research and analysis for product development and related purposes
  29. 29.
    Contacting the customers when necessary
  30. 30.
    Reviews for accounting audit purposes
4. Security of personal information

We are committed to assuring the safe management and operation of personal information concerning customers. We take all reasonable and appropriate security measures to safeguard against personal information risks, including risks of unauthorized access by outside parties and/or loss, damage, destruction, alteration, leakage, and unauthorized release to outside parties. Each and every department in our company that handles personal information includes an information management representative charged with ensuring the appropriate management of personal information. We have also established information security rules which are made known to all employees.

5. Provision to third parties

Personal information concerning the customers will not be disclosed or provided to third parties except in the following cases:

  • The customer’s consent has been obtained.
  • The information is disclosed in a form not traceable to an identifiable individual.
  • The handling of the information is subcontracted to another company for business facilitation or other purposes. In such cases, the contractor chosen will have adequate personal information protection measures in place and will be placed under necessary and appropriate supervision.
  • The disclosure of the information is legally required.
  • The disclosure or provision of the information is necessary to protect life, health, or property in cases in which obtaining the customer’s consent is difficult.
  • The disclosure or provision of the information is necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children in cases in which obtaining the customer’s consent is difficult.
  • The acquisition of the customer’s consent may be detrimental to statutory affairs undertaken by a national government agency or local government or contractor thereof under circumstances in which we are compelled to cooperate.
  • The customer’s name, address, telephone number, email address, and/or customer code are disclosed or provided in writing by facsimile or telephone, in the form of electromagnetic data (e.g., floppy disk), or by email to a party to the customer’s contract, financial institutions, management service companies, or other third parties to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose(s) of use specified in Section 3 (Reasons for using personal information and personal data on hand). Such disclosure or provision shall be halted at the customer’s request.
  • In connection with the sales of newly built properties for sale, the customer’s name, address, telephone number, email address, and/or customer code are disclosed or provided in writing, by facsimile or telephone, in the form of electromagnetic data (e.g., floppy disk), or by email to a party to the customer’s contract, financial institutions, management service companies, or other third parties to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose(s) of use. Such disclosure or provision shall be halted at the customer’s request.
  • In connection with property sales, purchase, lease brokerage activities, or management activities, property information and the customer’s name, address, telephone number, email address, and/or customer code are disclosed or provided in writing by facsimile or telephone, in the form of electromagnetic data (e.g., floppy disk), or by email to a party to the customer’s contract, financial institutions, management service companies, or other third parties to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose(s) of use. Such disclosure or provision shall be halted at the customer’s request.
  • Certain third parties to whom information may be disclosed in connection with property sales, purchase, lease brokerage activities, or management activities:
    • The actual or prospective party to the contract
    • The owner of the property leased to or occupied by the customer and the owner’s agent
    • Person acquiring or expected to acquire the property leased to or occupied by the customer
    • Other house agents
    • Online advertising services, property trade associations
    • The Real Estate Information Network System (property registration, contract notification, and sales, appraisal based on system data) in the case of brokerage activities related to sales or purchase—see note below.
    • Judicial scriveners, land and house investigators involved in registration and other related activities
    • Financial institutions involved in lending
    • Management service companies involved in real property or management activities
    • Credit information organizations, real property research organizations

(Note) Matters concerning the Real Estate Information Network System

The Real Estate Information Network System is a public interest corporation as designated by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism pursuant to Article 50-3 of the Real Estate Brokerage Act. It provides the following services as specified in the Act:

  1. 1.
    Handling of matters concerning the registration of building lots or buildings covered by exclusive brokerage service and other service agreements concerning the real estate brokerage business
  2. 2.
    Provision of information concerning building lots or buildings subject to registration referred to in the preceding item to house agents periodically or at their request
  3. 3.
    Beyond what is set forth in the preceding two items, the creation of statistics concerning the information referred to in the preceding item and any other services necessary to ensure the proper trade and smooth distribution of building lots and buildings
  4. 4.
    We will take the following actions pursuant to the provisions of the Real Estate Brokerage Act governing the Real Estate Information Network System:
    1. (1)
      Should we conclude a brokerage service agreement at the request of a customer wishing to sell his or her property, we will register the property information with the Real Estate Information Network System to look for prospective buyers. The registered property information and the name and address of the customer wishing to sell will be provided to member companies of the Real Estate Information Network System and individuals wishing to buy the property.
    2. (2)
      If a sales contract is concluded for a registered property, the date of conclusion, the contract price, and other information will be sent to the Real Estate Information Network System.
    3. (3)
      The Real Estate Information Network System will use property and contract information (property overview, contract conclusion date, contract price, and other information; not including the names of the seller and the buyer) for their own services as specified in the Real Estate Brokerage Act. This includes providing property and contract information to member companies of the Real Estate Information Network System and public organizations, whether in electronic or other form.
    4. (4)
      For exclusive brokerage service agreements and privileged and exclusive brokerage service agreements, the registration and notification of the information with or to the Real Estate Information Network System as set forth above will be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the Real Estate Brokerage Act.
    5. (5)
      An individual who wishes or who is contracted to purchase the property will be required to make the purchase in accordance with the measures related to the Real Estate Information Network System as set forth in (1) through (4) above.
    6. (6)
      In the event that we seek to identify potential property buyers on the basis of property information from the Real Estate Information Network System, we will provide the property information to persons wishing to buy the property and provide information on their names, addresses, and the like to the house agent in charge of property sales and to the person wishing to sell the property. This provision shall be halted at the customer’s request as specified in Section 3 (Reasons for using personal information and personal data on hand).
    7. (7)
      We will provide our clients etc. with contract information provided from the Real Estate Information Network System (excluding the names of the seller and buyer) or contract information obtained through sales transactions in which we were involved as the basis of opinions presenting the suggested sales price or appraised value in our sales services. In so doing, we will ensure the property is not readily identifiable from the information. This provision shall be halted at the customer’s request as specified in Section 3 (Reasons for using personal information and personal data on hand).
6. Handling of specified personal information

Unless otherwise required by laws and regulations, we will not obtain the customer’s personal ID number (so-called My Number) specified in the Act concerning the Use etc. of Personal Identification Numbers in Administrative Procedures. Should the customer provide a document containing his or her personal ID number (My Number), we advise the customer to mask or otherwise make the number illegible, unless otherwise required by laws and regulations.

7. Handling of procedures and complaints concerning the disclosure or correction of personal information
  1. 1.
    At the customer’s request, we will disclose personal data on hand and correct any incorrect information contained therein without delay, in accordance with procedures we establish separately.
  2. 2.
    The actions set forth in the preceding paragraph will be taken by the Personal Information Response Section.
    The service desk is open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday through Friday (except on national and company holidays).

    1-2-7, Nishi-azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-8640
    The Apartment Bay YOKOHAMA Personal Information Response Section, Ken Yokohama SA Management,Ltd.

    Email address
  3. 3.
    If you wish to request disclosure of your personal data held by us, please contact the department specified in the preceding paragraph. We will send you a prescribed form by fax or e-mail, and you will need to attach your identification and other documents to make a request using the same form. Please note that a prescribed fee will be charged for this disclosure procedure.
  4. 4.
    The service desk specified in paragraph 2 is also open to opinions, complaints, inquiries, and the like concerning our handling of personal information during the hours specified above.
8. Revision of this privacy policy

This privacy policy will be reviewed and revised from time to time to meet legal demands and further improve the way we protect personal information. The latest information will be made available at our website.

9. Cookies

Our website may use cookies to gather viewing history information and thereby deliver greater convenience to visitors to our website.
Cookies allow the website to identify a visitor’s computer. If you refuse to accept cookies, you may still use our website, but potentially in limited ways.
You can configure your browser to refuse cookies.

10. Links to other websites

Our website contains links to websites belonging to other companies. Please note that we have no responsibility for privacy protection at the linked websites, including their use of cookies.

Acquisition and Usage of Attribute Information and Action Records that Do Not Specify Individuals

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